

Angel Number 559 is a message from your angels that changes taking place in your life will align you with your true life purpose and soul mission, and the angels encourage you to live and fulfill your lightworking destiny. Do not fear these changes, but rather, look upon them as opportunities to expand your horizons. It is time to shift your focus from the material to the spiritual realms.


Sweeping, positive changes are ahead of you and you are encouraged to let go of the ‘old’ with love and gratitude, and make room for the ‘new’ to enter your life. Be assured that these life changes will have long-term positive effects in many ways in your life.


Angel Number 559 suggests that changes made to your career or profession will bring you greater personal fulfilment on many levels. Angel Number 559 is a prompt to put your focus towards beginning or expanding your personal spirituality as your lightworking skills and talents are greatly needed by the world. You are encouraged to shine your light brightly to illuminate the way for others.


引用: Joanne Sacred Scribes


horizon (知識や経験の)限界

be assured  安心する

fulfilment 幸福感