

Angel Number 903 suggests that you release and let go of any situations in your life that are no longer positively serving you. Do not cling to situations (or people) out of fear. Your angels encourage you to maintain a positive mind-set in regards to yourself and your future, and do not allow any negativity to hinder you along your chosen path. Remember that your angels and the Ascended Masters are always available to you ... all you need to do is ask.


Angel Number 903 brings a message that the angels and Ascended Masters are aiding and assisting you with your life path and Divine purpose. Ask for guidance from the angels and Ascended Masters whenever you feel you need it. Know that you are shining your light brightly, illuminating the way for others as you live your life as a positive example for others.


Angel Number 903 also encourages you to consider all aspects of your life and let go of any issues or situations that are no longer positively serving you. Learn from lessons so that you do not need to make the same mistakes or go through the same experience again or live with your regrets forever. Erase your regrets and begin again with a clean slate. It is never too late to pursue your dreams, but you must release the burden of regret first. Pursue joy and love.

エンジェルナンバー903 は、人生のあらゆる局面を見て、あなたにもうポジティブに働かなくなった物事や状況を手放すようにとも伝えています。同じ過ちをしたり、また同じ経験を繰り返したり、永遠に後悔で生きる必要のないよう、過去の教訓から学びましょう。後悔を消去して、真っ白な状態からまた始めましょう。あなたの夢を追求するのに、何も遅いことはありませんが、後悔という重荷を手放すことが先決です。喜びと愛を追求しましょう。

引用: Joanne Sacred Scribes


cling to~ ~にしがみつく

learn from lessons 過去の教訓から学ぶ

with a clean state 白紙の状態で→真っ白な状態で