

Angel Number 874 is an auspicious sign of manifesting prosperity, achieving balance, positive progress and spiritual advancement. Be grateful for the blessings entering your life and remember to share your good fortune with others.


Angel Number 874 brings a message from your angels that the efforts you have put towards achieving your goals and aspirations are now reaping rewards, and you are to be congratulated for your diligence and forethought. Trust that you will find success, and remember to be grateful for the blessings entering your life.


Angel Number 874 signifies a wonderful time for you right now, and your angels encourage you to enjoy your experiences and blessings as you have worked hard and you deserve them. Stay positive and keep up the great work to continue manifesting abundance. Have faith and trust in your own abilities, skills and talents, and know that you are successfully serving your Divine soul mission with purpose, passion and persistence.


You have a great deal of wisdom, knowledge, resilience and resourcefulness within you and you are encouraged to fully utilize them. Focus upon your spiritual path and look to practices and interests that call to your soul.


引用 Joanne Sacred Scribes


manifest 明示する

auspicious 縁起のいい

aspiration 願望

reaping 刈り取る

diligence 勤勉さ

forethought 先見の明

signify ~  ~を意味する

persistence 粘り強さ

resilience (困難から)立ち直る力

resourcefulness 困難な状況を打破する能力