

Angel Number 750 indicates that the important decisions and life choices you are making (or contemplating) will bring about positive changes that will encourage auspicious new opportunities in your life. It brings a message that these positive changes will have a direct result upon your day to day activities as you will be devoting more of your time and energy to your spiritual pursuits and Divine life purpose. 


Angel Number 750 foretells of opportunities that are presenting for you to expand your consciousness and spiritual awareness due to positive changes currently taking place in your life. Be open to receiving knowledge and information from unusual and unexpected sources and stay alert to interesting new experiences, surroundings and people. Stay open to intriguing notions and ideas, fresh revelations, epiphanies and light-bulb moments and listen to your intuition. 


Angel Number 750 says that the changes you are currently going through are in alignment with your Divine soul purpose and are happening to enhance your life. You are encouraged to continue on your current path with optimism, enthusiasm and passion knowing that all changes are taking place for a higher purpose. Trust that you are safe and protected along your journey and the angels are beside you all the way.


引用:Joanne Sacred Scribes


contemplate 熟考する

stay alert to ~ ~に注意を払う

stay open to ~ ~にアンテナを張る

intriguing 好奇心をそそる

notion 観念

revelation 意外な新事実

epiphany 直観

light-bulb moment 閃きの瞬間

in alignment with... ...と一直線になって →同じ直線上にある